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Lang SA Lamone

Lang_SA_Lamone.jpeg Landscape of the lake at VestbirkMiniatureLankatilanka temple of Polonnaruwa ruin world heritage Landscape of the lake at VestbirkMiniatureLankatilanka temple of Polonnaruwa ruin world heritage Landscape of the lake at VestbirkMiniatureLankatilanka temple of Polonnaruwa ruin world heritage Landscape of the lake at VestbirkMiniatureLankatilanka temple of Polonnaruwa ruin world heritage Landscape of the lake at VestbirkMiniatureLankatilanka temple of Polonnaruwa ruin world heritage Landscape of the lake at VestbirkMiniatureLankatilanka temple of Polonnaruwa ruin world heritage Landscape of the lake at VestbirkMiniatureLankatilanka temple of Polonnaruwa ruin world heritage